Christmas story 2 of 12
Guy was, by most definitions, a little bit odd.
People didn’t seem to like spending time with him. It may have been his odd smell, or his random twitching, or just the way he persistently muttered to himself.
On the plus side when he got on the bus, as he did now, he usually had a seat all to himself.
While Guy didn’t mind not having what might be called friends, he did mind that no one took him seriously.
It was especially worrisome to him now, so close to Christmas. It would all happen soon and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to do anything about it.
Looking around the bus he saw his friend Russell.
He tried to catch his attention but Russell was making a phone call and looked quite stressed.
Guy sighed. It was hard knowing stuff you couldn’t share with anyone, mainly because they thought you were completely nuts if you told them it.
They called it project Arturis but Guy knew better than that. The boundary between reality was very weak this time of year and what they were letting through may resemble Santa but was nothing of the sort.
Guy was very concerned by the thought of a big red and white interdimensional creature coming down his chimney in the middle of the night. Especially as he didn’t have a chimney.
Most would think that worrying about a Santa like creature breaking into your house is a pointless endeavour, Guy had been concerned about it ever since his Halloween incident.
Being plagued by supernatural occurrences seems to have been an off shoot of the ‘industrial accident’ Guy suffered.
Guy wished he was like other people and didn’t notice the strange things that went on around him all the time. The fearful things he saw every waking moment were what caused him to smell so bad. The constant mutterings were his way of warding off any attack.
The bus came to a stop and a woman got on. Guy hadn’t noticed Russell get one, but he noticed the woman. She was Laura and she worked on project Arturis.
Guy kept his head down and carried on his protective chants. He didn’t know exactly how much they knew. Nor really what he could do that would make them worry anyway.
Guy shivered as an unexpected cold burst made him shiver.
He blinked twice and felt a strange lightness in his head.
The worries and concerns Guy had were gone.
They had evaporated like steam. He no longer worried about any of the supernatural creatures that may or may not exist, and felt for the first time in a long time that a bath would really help.
The bus pulled up at his stop and he got off, feeling a lot better about himself.
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