The Road To Kilimanjaro

My progress in training for a trek for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Road To Hell...

Is paved with good intentions, or frozen salespeople if you believe Terry Pratchett.

This is the third time I've written this, so if at any point it seems I'm just trying to rattle through information without any thought to making it entertaining, you're probably right. It's annoying when stuff loses what you've typed in a magical and bewlidering way, so I've resorted to writing this in Notepad then copying and pasting.

Anyway, I intended to keep this up to date and all, but it turn out when you're walking and working as much as you can and trying to raise money, you end up tired and disinclined towards typing on the internet.

But hopefully I'll be more dilligent now. If you see below you'll realise I'll have to update at least once a day til Christmas. Intrigued? Well don't go reading ahead, you'll get there soon enough.

So, my training? I've been continuing to walk to work and back from it, when time and energy allow. I've alos been walking round the Orme, which now takes me just an hour from North Shore to West Shore, which gives me a speed of 4 1/2 miles an hour or possibly 4 1/4 I forgot what it said on the information point. But that's pretty good considering the up and down or Marine Drive.

I'll try tackling it from West to North soon as the incline makes it harder that way.

Ian from work has offered to help me with my training. He ex army so I expect to be put through my paces. Also he drives so that'll be a big help in getting me to the bigger mountains round here. With any luck he'll be free this weekend and we'll be off to get wet and cold in amongst some grass.

Additionally, tomorrow I'll be attempting to play football with random people from work and friends of work people. Happily I am certainly fitter than some of the people that will be attending so that may just make up for my inability to kick the ball in the right direction.

My fund raising is going worryingly slowly and I expect I'll have to give it some attention if I expect to have some chance of reaching my target. If you'd like to help get over to and give all your life's savings. Go on.

Unless you've not saved anything, then try and find something to donate.

I've got a podcast up on iTunes. Go and search for Kilimanjaro Trek For Marie Curie Cancer Care and you should find it. Only one episode so far, for the same reasons there's only two posts here. But again I'll do another one soon.

As for keeping this up to date. Well tomorrow will see 12 days to Christmas. As anyone who gets a Christmas card from me will know, I put a little story in the cards as a seasonal incentive not to have boring cards. This year I'll do 12 stories one a day on here, which will also get into people's cards. Then a 13th one on Christmas Day. If I do it right the stories should be interlinked in a wonderful and magical way that'll please anyone who likes that sort of thing.

If I do it wrong it'll look a bit messy.

Since I've not written one yet I may feel the pressure Dickens must have when he was serialising his stories back in the day. There's no going back and editing to put in something I'll need later.

So fingers crossed...

 (I've noticed my post subjects have thus far been both relating to roads and song lyrics, can I think of any more? Maybe...)


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